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a PDF THREE LAKES GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY BYLAWS ARTICLE I: NAME and LOCATION The name of the organization shall be Three Lakes Genealogical Society, headquartered at the Edward U. Demmer Memorial Library, Three Lakes, Wisconsin 54562 ARTICLE II: CALENDAR YEAR The calendar year of Three Lakes Genealogical Society shall be July 1 to June 30. ARTICLE III: PURPOSE The purposes of this organization are to provide meetings and programs of genealogical interest; provide instruction in genealogical procedures; and collect, preserve, and disseminate genealogical data found in the Three Lakes/Oneida County area and/or relative to the people of this area. ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Eligibility Section 2. Types of Membership
Section 1. Frequency Membership meetings shall be held monthly.
Section 2. Open Meeting Policies Meetings shall be open to the public. Guest(s), on recognition by the presiding Officer, shall have a voice but not vote in the proceedings. Guests may attend up to three (3) meetings per year before being asked to apply for membership. Section 3. Quorum ARTICLE
VI: OFFICERS, DUTIES, TERMS AND VACANCIES Section 1. Officers: The Officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past-President. All Officers shall be Directors as well.
1. To facilitate smooth transition of operations after the Annual Meeting.
2. The Immediate
Past-President shall serve as Nominating
Committee Chair. Section 2. Term of Office and Limitations
Section 3. Vacancies
Section 1. Membership and Terms
Section 2. Powers A. Organization and Finances 1. The Board of Directors shall have full power and authority over the affairs of the Society except for amending the Bylaws and of disbursements greater than $150.00. 2. The Board of Directors is accountable to the general membership for the finances of the organization. They shall require the President (i.e., President- Director) to petition authorization of payment of any unexpected expenses in excess of $50.00. 3. The President and Treasurer shall be registered with the financial institutions for any accounts with only one or the other signature required to sign for withdrawal of funds. Section 3. Board Meetings A. The Board shall meet at least once a year or at the call of the President.
B. Three Board members shall
constitute a quorum.
C. Any action in which a majority of the Board members shall concur in writing or via email shall be binding and valid although not authorized or approved at a meeting of the Board. ARTICLE VIII:
Creation: There will be Standing and Special Committees. Standing and Special Committees shall be created as deemed necessary to promote the objectives and carry on the work of this organization. Section 1. Standing Committees: Those Committees which are formed to fulfill specific and limited objectives of the organization and which are usually expected to continue from year to year. Examples are as follows:
Section 2. Special Committees: Those committees which are developed for a particular objective or case at hand. They may or may not run for the full year and may be continued into the next year. An example of a Special Committee is the Nominating Committee. The President shall create as many special committees as are necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Society. Section 3. Membership: The Chairpersons may work alone or shall choose other members to serve on the committee. They shall file an annual report or as requested by the President. ARTICLE
IX: NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Section 1. Nomination of Officers Two Offices will be elected by the membership each year. The President and Secretary shall be elected in even-numbered years, and the Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years. The Office of Immediate Past President is a non-elected position.
1. The Nominee shall be a member in good standing. 2. The Nominee can be a candidate for only one of the two offices being voted upon at the Annual Meeting Section 2. Elections
rules contained in Robert’s
Rules of Order, revised
shall govern this Society when required and in which they
are consistent with these Bylaws. A
parliamentarian may be appointed by the
President, if required. ARTICLE
1. The Board is
responsible for selecting a bank to serve as a
repository for
Society Funds.
Section 2. All checks for disbursement of Society funds shall require the signature of the Treasurer or President. ARTICLE
1. In the event
that this Society does not meet within a
six-month period, the Officer(s) available or a
majority of the membership shall meet to
coordinate and
supervise property transfer.
Section 2. Property is all assets belonging to and/or acquired by gift or purchase, to include all TLGS library and office equipment, and all monies accumulated by the Society. An inventory of the property shall be prepared and the assets disbursed to the Edward U. Demmer Memorial Library, local area Historical Societies and the State Historical Society. Section 3. All objects “on loan” to the TLGS shall be returned to the owner. In the event that the owner or family is unable to be located, said property shall be transferred to the Edward U. Demmer Memorial Library. ARTICLE
1. These Bylaws
shall be presented to the membership at the
review at the
membership meeting 27 November 2000. They shall
become effective and govern this Society after
acceptance by
vote of those members present. Section 2. These Bylaws may be amended any time in the following manner, A. The President shall appoint a committee to study the need of a proposed revision.
Three Lakes Genealogical Society Bylaws were approved as amended on May 23, 2022 after review by the membership. Three Lakes Genealogical Society Revised Bylaws replace those approved as amended on August 22, 2016 .![]() E-Mail Us Three Lakes Genealogical Society P O Box 101 Three Lakes, WI 54562