Three Lakes Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes September 23, 2019 MEMBERS PRESENT:, Charlene Roberts, Maureen Brand, Noreen Rossa, Beth Jacobson, Mari Lynn Garbowicz, Nancy Brewster, Marie Byatt, Arleen Faeth GUEST: Judy Renquist 1:03 p.m. President Nancy Brewster called the meeting to order. Noreen moved to approve the Jun 24, 2019 Minutes, Beth Seconded and the motion passed TREASURERS REPORT: Marie moved to approve report, Mari Lynn seconded. Motion passed at 1:10 pm OLD BUSINESS: A. July 22 picnic evaluated - suggest members bring recipes along with their dish to share next time B. Aug 24 Open house was deemed a success with some discussion about trying to handle Child targeted genealogy and also Adults in the same event. A motion was made by Noreen and seconded by Arleen - that for the next Outreach, we should do events for Children and Adults separately. Motion passed. (see new Business) C. Other Ð Beth and Mari Lynn will Organize Christmas event for Dec 9 NEW BUSINESS: A. Guest Judy shared her DNA story Ð she is soon to visit previously unknown family members and wondered if we had any suggestions. This led to an extensive and lively discussion. B. Charlene accepted the roll to head the nominating committee. Candidates are needed for Vice-President and Treasurer for the October Annual meeting C. Membership dues should be paid in October. D. There will be a Board meeting after the October Meeting E. There has been a request for another Cemetery walk F. It was suggested that for our first Outreach at the childrenÕs level, we contact the schools to see if we can fit with the curriculum. Beth and Mari Lynn were going to look into this. G. Sharing Brick walls and successes H. Next meeting Ð October 28, 2019 Meeting Adjourned about 2:50 Program - See Guest share above.