Three Lakes Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes October 24, 2016 Members Present: Robert and Nancy Bailey, Maureen Brand, Nancy Brewster, Marie Byatt, Irene Farkas, Robert E. Killick, Donna L. Mather, Joyce Mogytych, Charlene Roberts, and Debby Selman The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Nancy Brewster at 1:06 p.m. The minutes, presented by Secretary Nancy Bailey, were approved as published. Treasurer Robert Bailey presented the TreasurerÕs report. Old Business: New officers for Oct, 2016 Ð Oct, 2018 President Ð Debby Selman Secretary Ð Maureen Brand (Winter) and Irene Farkas (Summer) Member at Large Ð Charlene Roberts The Winter Party will be at 12:00 (noon) on December 12, in the Community Room of the Demmer Memorial Library. Donna Mather and Joyce Mogytych will host the party; Spouses are welcome to attend the party. More information will be coming. Family History Boards in the Historical Society Museum were discussed. Beech Family? Families need to help with information. New Business: The board will serve as the Program Committee. Marie Byatt has several webinars that can be used. Illinois has excellent webinars. Future programs might discuss ÒHow to set up Facebook Groups and Research using Facebook,Ó ÒBreaking Down Brick Walls,Ó and ÒCloudy with a Chance of Genealogy Note: The Society cannot use WSGS webinars (Robert Bailey). Debby Selman reported is now owned by Rootsweb is not getting support from Robert Bailey discussed It publishes several software packages including a charting package. It is an add-on to your software. Debby Selman recommends ÒRants Ð Feel Free to Say What you Want with no Administrative Censorship.Ó This is in regard to and is on Facebook. Brick Walls and Successes were presented by members. There is no meeting in November. The Winter Party will be on Monday, December 12 at noon. The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m. The program, presented by Demmer Memorial Library Director Erica Brewster, was a demonstration of the new ScanPro 3000 Scanner. Please note individual help is available from trained library staff. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Bailey, Secretary