Three Lakes Genealogical Society Minutes – 25 August 2014 Members Present: Les Anderson, Robert and Nancy Bailey, Marge Behling, Roger Blocks, Maureen Brand, Nancy Brewster, Marie Byatt, Irene Farkas, Barbara Hacker, Mary Hitchcock, Charlene Roberts, and Debby Selman Welcome to new members Lawrence and Denise Mueller. Guest: Karyl F. Hahn Co-President Mary Hitchcock called the meeting to order. Secretary Nancy Bailey presented the minutes. They were approved as presented. Treasurer Nancy Brewster presented the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved unanimously by the members. Old Business - Obituary Project Bob Bailey discussed the project. Les Anderson and he have designed it to be successfully included on the TLGS website. The library website also has listings of obituaries. They need to be replaced by the new project information when it becomes available. - TLGS Website Les Anderson received the code and password for the current site from Charlene Roberts, the website’s previous manager. The members decided to keep the current website. The first page will be buttons. Les will continue with the same basic design. The members decided to stay with our current webhost - Rootsweb. - Program Binder Secretary Nancy Bailey introduced the Program Binder. It contains notes and handouts from presentations to our group. Members are requested to bring copies of old presentations for inclusion in the binder. - Family Books Roger Blocks and Nancy Bailey brought more family genealogical books for members to peruse. New Business - Co-President Mary Hitchcock reminded the members the September meeting has been moved to September 29 to accommodate our speaker. - Proposed Slate of Officers for 2014-2015 year. - President – Roger Blocks - Vice-President – Nancy Brewster - Treasurer – Robert Bailey. Charlene Roberts moved the motion these members be elected to the above offices, and Marie Byatt seconded it. The motion was approved unanimously. Nancy Bailey will continue as Secretary. - Chairpeople - Maureen Brand will be Publicity Chair. - Someone to act as Program Chair would be appreciated. - Five Favorite Genealogy Websites Mary Hitchcock shared what members had sent to her as their five favorite genealogy websites. She presented those sites to the members. The members discussed additional sites, and Mary will update her information. Members still may send more sites to Mary. - Marie Byatt brought her book that had been bound by Allen County Public Library. People can send their genealogy information (usually done by the computer), albums, etc. to the library. The library will publish two volumes. It will keep one volume and will send the other one to the contributor – at no charge. If members have their information ready for publication, they can get it to one of the people going to the library in October. - Carol Williams (from the Northern Waters Genealogical Society) has invited our members to be presenters at their programs. Our members have several presentations they have given. Contact Mary Hitchcock for more information or to express interest in giving a program. - Carol Williams also invited our society to participate in a regional program to be presented in 2015. It will take place locally, and will involve two morning sessions, an optional lunch, and two afternoon sessions. - The Wisconsin State Genealogical Society has a conference at Wisconsin Rapids on October 18. The topic is Direct and Indirect Evidence. The fee is $45 for members, and $70 for non-members. - The TLGS Christmas Party will be on December 8 – from noon until 3:00 p.m. The Baileys and Donna Mather will coordinate this event. More organizers are welcome. Contact Donna or Nancy/Bob Bailey. - Future Programming - September 29 – Paul Wussow will present “Preserving your Photos and Film” - October 27 – Our members who traveled to Allen County Public Library will share their experiences. Bob Bailey will discuss “Beginning Excel.” - November – There is no meeting. - December 8 – Annual Christmas Party  The new TLGS calendar year begins September 1, 2014. The dues are $15 per family. - Program requests: - Design a project with Allen County - Shawn Dwyer –genealogical placemats - Children –beginning ancestry - Successes/Brick Walls The meeting was adjourned. Program: Debby Selman discussed the upcoming trip to Allen County Public Library. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Bailey