Three Lakes Genealogical Society Minutes – 23 September 2013 Members Present: Bob and Nancy Bailey, Marge Behling, Roger G. Blocks. Maureen Brand, Irene Farkas, Robert E. Killick, Nancy Kimla, Donna Mather, June McDuffie, Charlene Roberts, Debby Selman, Gail Smith, Carol Stillwell, Sandy Theisen Guests: Kristen Bolte and Randy Hirsig Co-President Charlene Roberts called the meeting to order. Members and guests introduced themselves to the group. Because of the realignment of the terms of the officers, Debby Selman will add another year to her term as Vice-President. Copies of the minutes from the 26 August meeting were distributed and were approved as published. The 10 September Treasurer’s Report was distributed by Sandy Thiesen (acting in Nancy Brewster’s absence). The Treasurer’s Report was approved as published. Old Business: - Irene Farkas discussed obituary indexing project. It was decided to expand the project to include all vital records. Irene recommended that one item per scan would be best. Some members signed up to help with this project. The newspapers currently at Demmer Library will be scanned first. There also are newspapers available from the Wisconsin Historical Society. Irene will further investigate this project as to procedure. - The Society is considering a joint venture with the Three Lakes Historical Society. The discussion was tabled until the next meeting. - A book in memory of Dan Petras has not yet been purchased. - Irene has been working on the Society’s historical files, and stated the project is almost complete. - Debby Selman and Irene are the new co-chairs of the Find-a-Grave project for the Three Lakes Cemetery. Thanks much to Noreen Rossa for her tremendous work on this project. The burial list for 2013 will be available probably by the spring. - Donna Mather has been working on swing boards for Margaret Holtorp. They should be completed by the spring. New Business: The annual Christmas party will be held at Demmer Library on Monday, December 9. Donna Mather and Nancy Bailey are the co-chairs. Nancy Brewster forwarded a thank you letter from the Three Lakes Public Library Foundation for our group’s $500 donation. Family Search and Ancestry are combining their indexing projects. There is a concern whether Family Search will remain a “free research site” in the future. Three Lakes School is having an academic banquet and are soliciting funds. The members decided that a donation is not within the purpose of our organization and therefore voted “no.” Brick Walls/Successes: Topics discussed were DNA testing (Baileys), Norwegian records (Carol Stillwell) and a tintype (June McDuffie). The business meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m. Program: Genealogy Swat Teams Four Swat Team Groups formed to help members with their genealogy. Next Meeting: 28 October 2013 at 1 p.m. Program: Nancy Brewster will be sharing her trip at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Nancy Bailey will be discussing DNA testing. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Bailey _______ Re. corrections, If you are attending the next meeting, please bring the correction(s) in writing to ensure accuracy. If you won’t be at the next meeting, please email the correction(s) to me at