Three Lakes Genealogical Society Minutes August 26, 2013 Members Present: Les Anderson, Nancy Bailey, Marge Behling, Roger Blocks, Maureen Brand, Nancy Brewster, Marie Byatt, Irene Farkas, Mary Hitchcock, Robert Killick, Nancy Kimla, Charlene Roberts, Noreen Rossa, Carol Stillwell Guests: Nancy Haig, Susan Swanson President Mary Hitchcock called the meeting to order. Copies of the July 22, 2013, minutes were distributed & reviewed. Corrections in dates had been made. There was a motion to approve the minutes as amended, it was seconded and approved. Members received copies of the August 22, 2013 TreasurerÕs Report. Report was approved and accepted. OLD BUSINESS: 1. LDS Costs- Historically the TLGS has paid for the cost of returning the LDS microfiche rolls to LDS Library in Salt Lake City. Of the $100 set aside for 2013 to cover these costs, about $30 remains. Since the LDS rolls are now ordered online, a suggestion was made to see if the return costs could be covered by the LDS Library. Research will be done on the matter and reported back to the group. 2. Ð Noreen Rossa reported that the Committee will complete the project to review and update the 1600+Three Lakes Cemetery Memorials on Findagrave by 8-31-2013. The Master Excel spreadsheet listing will be maintained by the (Standing) Committee, and copies of it will be provided to Nancy Brewster for the Library and to Charlene Roberts for the Website. The draft copy of a suggested protocol for the TLGS Standing Committee to follow when updating the Three Lakes Cemetery on the was amended and approved by the membership. A copy will be attached to these minutes. A copy of the existing profile of the TLGS contributor page was reviewed and amended at the meeting. A copy of the newÓ ProfileÓ will be attached to these minutes. Irene Farkas volunteered to serve on the Committee with Debbie Selman. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Slate of Officers for the September 2013 elections: Existing President, Vice-President and Treasurer terms are in the midst of their 2 year term, but the Secretery position needs to be filled, as the current Co-Secretaries have served the maximum of 2 terms. Nancy Bailey accepted the nomination for the Secretary position, and she was unanimously approved to be on the ballot for a two year term. Mary Hitchcock noted it would be good to have a goal of 2 officer positions begin the 2 year term on even years, and the other two terms begin on an odd year. 2. Fund Raising Possibilities a. Development of file of Obituaries that appeared in Three Lakes Newspapers NoreenÕs guest, Susan Swanson of Rhinelander, discussed how funds have been raised for the Rhinelander Library by developing an index of all obituaries appearing in Rhinelander newspapers, and then copying obituaries by request for a $3 fee. Since the project began about $4500 has been raised for the Library Genealogy resources. Sue mentioned that after the obituary index was referenced on the Oneida County Wisconsin GenWEB site, requests steadily came in. Noreen is suggesting that TLGS look into doing a similar project to help raise funds for the Demmer. Nancy informed the group that the Demmer Library has Three lakes Newspapers dating back to about 1998, and a few earlier issues on microfiche. Currently the Library maintains an index for those issues and adds to it on an ongoing basis. They may be open to having the TLGS handle requests. Older newspapers could be retrieved through the Library Loan system from the WI Historical Society. Irene noted that she discovered the Eagle River Library has copies of the Vilas County Review Obituaries going back to 2006. She will check into the possibility of making copies of those obituaries for our use as they are duplicated in the Three Lakes News Review. Since obituaries for Three Lakes also appeared in Rhinelander papers, Sue was asked if they would object to us providing some of the same obituaries, and she said, ÒNot at all.Ó Marie Byatt suggested that we also consider doing an index of engagement/wedding announcements if we do the obituaries. Irene will find out if the Eagle River Library will let us copy their obituaries from 2006 Ð present, and report her findings at the next meeting. If the membership is interested in this project, interested members could each take a year of the Demmer's papers and scan the obituaries, and then a full plan could be finalized in the spring when more members are available to work on it. Noreen Rossa volunteered to chair such a Committee next spring, if members and the Library are interested in pursuing the idea. b. Joint Cemetery Walk with the Historical Society in the future Ð Charlene asked if any more discussion occurred on this. Nancy said that Allen Tulppo, curator of the Three Lakes Historical Society, had wanted to pursue some joint activities, but to date has not initiated a discussion. As former coordinator of Cemetery walks, Mary mentioned that she would only recommend considering this if we used people other than family members to portray the historical figures. Nancy said she would get in touch with Allen and report back. 3. The group gave unanimous approval to spend up to $50 to purchase a genealogy book in memory of former member, Dan Pietras. 4. Question was raised on how and where we maintain TLGS historical files. Nancy says she maintains electronic copies of documents for their files, and Irene is the TLGS Historian. Irene noted she is in midst of organizing some files of hard copy documents. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the Business meeting. The motion carried by unanimous approval. Presentation: Marie Byatt Ð Ò One Name Studies GuildÓ For more information contained in the presentation go to: Next Meeting: September 23, 2013 1PM Presentation: Genealogy SWAT TEAM Ð 4 Experienced members volunteered to assist those experiencing Brick Walls. Contact Mary or Charlene if you would like to have your Brick Wall considered.